
Törnführer Kanaren, Azoren, Madeira und Kapverden

Törnführer Atlantik und Atlantische Inseln

Revierführer für den Atlantik

Für den Europäschen Segler ist der Atlantik das Tor zu Welt. Meist sind die Kanaren der erste große Anlaufhafen bevor es mit der ARC, der Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, über den großen Teich geht. Die hier vorgestellten Törnführer informieren Sie aber nicht nur über die Kanaren, sondern auch über die weiter südlich auf der Passatroute gelegenen Kapverden und natürlich auch das weiter nördlich gelegene Madeira und die Azoren.

Atlantic Islands

When Anne Hammick started research on the first edition of Atlantic Islands back in 1987, few would have guessed the changes which 25 years would bring. Facilities for yachts have improved immeasurably in all four island groups, bureaucracy has decreased and, from being seen mainly as convenient stepping stones on the Atlantic passage, all the archipelagos are now accepted as cruising destinations in their own right. The fifth edition of Atlantic Islands builds on solid foundations - the author's long familiarity with the area, an invaluable network of local contacts, and the constant flow of information and feedback received from yachtsmen and women during the lifetime of the previous edition. In 2010 the author set out to visit and photograph almost every harbour featured in the book, and while preparing the text and plans the following year was kept updated about on-going developments by cruising friends 'in the field'. Passage waypoints are now included - though these should, as always, be used with caution - in addition to many harbour plans available nowhere else. Nearly 300 new photographs illustrate the fifth edition, most from the author's own collection, and the use of colour for indexing and cross-referencing has also been increased. Whether you seek authoritative pilotage information, comprehensive details of available facilities, or simply suggestions for planning an enjoyable cruise, you will find them all in the fifth edition of Atlantic Islands.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 328 Seiten
Preis: ca. 58,00 Euro

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Handbuch für den Atlantischen Ozean

Planung und Passagen RCC Pilotage Foundation

Der Weg zu neuen Ufern Dieses moderne Standardwerk vereint sämtliche Informationen, die Atlantiksegler zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung ihres Törns benötigen:

• Planung
• Vorbereitung von Boot und Crew
• Ausrüstung
• Navigation und Kommunikation
• Sicherheit
• Routenplanung
• Klima, Wetter, Gezeiten und Strömungen
• Informationen zu Häfen beiderseits des Atlantiks

Besonderer Wert wird auf die Routenplanung gelegt: Anhand durchgehend farbiger Pläne und Fotos werden mögliche Ziele für den Landfall vorgestellt; Wind- und Stromkarten verdeutlichen die umfassenden Angaben zu Klima und Wetter. Einer erfolgreichen Atlantiküberquerung steht mit diesem Buch im Gepäck nichts mehr im Weg.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 294 Seiten
Preis: 28,00 Euro

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Reeds Aberdeen Asset Management Nautical Almanac (Reeds Nautical Almanac (Free Waypoint & Marina Guide))

(Reed's Almanac)

Reeds Nautical Almanac is the indispensable trusted annual compendium of navigational data for yachtsmen and motorboaters, and provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the whole of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, Northern Morocco, the Azores and Madeira. The 2015 edition continues the Almanac's tradition of year on year improvement and meticulous presentation of all the data required for safe navigation. Now with an improved layout for easier reference and with over 45,000 annual changes, it is regarded as the bible of almanacs for anyone going to sea. The 2015 edition is updated throughout, containing over 45,000 changes, and includes a free Reeds Marina Guide. Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: The digital version (at additional cost) includes: live weather from the Met Office for up to 72 hours ahead, a helpful route planner, a printing facility and much more. "There are some things I would not go to sea without - Reeds is one of them" Sir Chay Blyth "The big, bold, extravagantly comprehensive king of Almanacs" Yachting World "On every cruising boat you'll find one of these. Don't start your engines without it" Motor Boat and Yachting "The bible of almanacs" Classic Boat

Broschiert: 1096 Seiten.
Preis: ca. 45,00 Euro

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