
Revier- und Törnführer

Revierführer Frankreich

Segeln wie Gott in Frankreich. Ob nun auf den anspruchsvollen Kanalgewässern im Norden. wie der Bretagne oder an den sonnenverwöhnten Mittelmeerküste. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Revierführer für die Französischen Gewässer.

Französische Mittelmeerküste und Korsika:

Häfen und Ankerplätze

Die französische Mittelmeerküste bietet sehr unterschiedliche Küstenszenerien, die dieses Revier für den Wassersport so reizvoll machen: Von den Felsküsten im Südwesten über weite, flache Strände mit Strandseen bis zum lagunenartigen Delta der Rhône-Mündung und der exklusiven Riviera reicht das landschaftliche Spektrum der französischen Mittelmeerküste.

Die Insel Korsika, etwa 100 Seemeilen von der Festlandsküste entfernt und für Segler nicht weniger reizvoll, erhebt sich grandios aus dem westlichen Mittelmeer. Das hohe zerklüftete Granitgebirge mit den teilweise steil ins Meer abfallenden Bergen an der Westküste wirkt wild und unzugänglich, weicht an der Ostküste aber flachen weiten Ebenen.

In diesem umfassenden nautischen Standardwerk, das nun in einer dritten völlig überarbeiteten Auflage vorliegt, stellt der Autor nicht nur alle Häfen und Marinas des Reviers vor, sondern auch eine Vielzahl von Ankerplätzen, die oft eine Alternative zu den überfüllten Yachthäfen darstellen. Die zahlreichen farbigen Pläne und durchgehend farbigen Luftaufnahmen führen sicher zu Häfen und Ankerplätzen.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 328 Seiten. Preis 49,00 Euro

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Ebbe und Flut in der Bretagne

Mediterranean France and Corsica Pilot

Häfen und Ankerplätze

This is a comprehensive companion to the long coastline that ranges from Spain and the edge of the Pyrenees to the Alpes Maritimes and Italy. It covers the flat country of Languedoc-Roussillon, the coast of the Golfe du Lion, the Rhone delta and the Camargue, the industrial Golfe de Fos, the Cote d'Azur and the French Riviera and Monaco. The island of Corsica and the waterways that run behind the coast linking the Canal du Midi and the etangs to the Rhone are covered in separate chapters. In this fifth edition there are new and updated plans, photographs and sections on routes. Full details are given of marine parks and new restricted areas. The introduction has been reorganised to provide improved information on getting to the area, formalities, weather and radio services.

Englischsprachige gebundene Ausgabe: 354 Seiten. Preis 56,50 Euro

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Atlantic France

(Imray Chart)

'North Biscay' has been renamed 'Atlantic France' to reflect the extended coverage to the Spanish border. Jeremy Parkinson has revisited the West coast of France and, from his research over the past two years has produced this new renamed edition. Throughout, the harbour plans have been revised and in many cases improved. In particular, the coverage of Brest now includes the new Marina du Chateau, large scale plans of the marinas at Lorient have been added and plans are provided of the small harbours in the Gironde. At the north end the Brittany harbour of L'Aberwrac'h, the key to entering the Chenal du Four, is now included and in the south Arcachon, Capbreton, Bayonne, St Jean de Luz and the Rada de Higuer up to the Spanish border are included. Many of the photographs are new and at the end of 2009 Patrick Roach was commissioned to produce a new set of aerial photos and amongst these is unique coverage of Brest. 'Atlantic France' is the authoritative cruising companion for this long and varied coastline and its publication will be welcomed by both first time visitors and old West coast of France hands.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 329 Seiten
Preis: ca. 57,00 Euro

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South Biscay

(Imray Chart)

This seventh edition of the RCC's South Biscay pilot covers the coasts of France and Spain from the Gironde to La Coruna in Galicia. This edition has been completely revised and updated. In line with other recent RCC editions, waypoints have been introduced to assist navigation. With new photographs by the author and up-to-date aerials by Patrick Roach, South Biscay is the complete reference for yachts visiting the flay sandy coasts of southwest France and the long Biscay coast of Spain.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 205 Seiten
Preis: ca. 57,00 Euro

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North Brittany & the Channel Islands

Cherbourg to Ouessant: Cherbourg to Ouessant and the Channel Islands (Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation)

This new edition of the RCC Pilotage Foundation's pilot for North Brittany covers from Cherbourg to Ouessant and the Channel Islands. It has been fully revised and brought completely up-to-date to maintain its place as the best-known companion for that coast. The text and plans have been redeveloped so that the sailing directions now make full use of recommended waypoints. New index charts have been introduced to improve cross-referencing and there are new sea level and aerial photos throughout. The RCC Pilotage Foundation's North Brittany has a long and distinguished pedigree that dates back over 40 years. During that time it has always been regarded as the definitive pilot for yachts negotiating the scattered rocks and difficult tides of the Brittany coast. This new edition builds on the popular format of the previous editions and includes all the latest information to bring it completely up-to-date. Captain John Lawson had a long career in the Royal Navy, followed by years as skipper of a sail training vessel and a lifetime of sailing his own boat, giving him great practical knowledge and experience. Furthermore, his considerable contribution matched his enthusiasm. Other works include; South Biscay, North Brittany, the Channel Islands and a revision of The Atlantic Crossing Guide.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 200 Seiten
Preis: ca. 44,00 Euro

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